A definite shortage of tomatoes could make one mororse (OK, trust me it has), but there were serious weather reasons for it. We think the hellish heat early in the season caused tomato flowers to drop before fruiting occurred. As a result we missed the first round, except for a few early ones--Whippersnapper, Glacier, and Stupice among them--that somehow got established before being blasted.
Locally, my brother's in-ground garden and Debbie and Little Green Girl's tomats tell the same story: very low yields.
Eggs from Bruce's hens and a Jimmy Nardello pepper remind us:
all you need is lunch
Plus, the eggplant are prolific, and beautifully so.
Two weeks ago it was nearly 100 degrees F again with enormous humidities. Today 79 and heaven. The tomatoes have set up a nice crop of flowers and fruit at last. Will they flourish in the late-season light? Stay tuned.