Request for Major Statewide Audit in CA, 2005


The differences in bids were submitted to the California House Minority Leader, Dr. Keith Richman, who then requested a "major statewide audit in school roofing projects."

The request was denied - by a "political consultant" barring the gate to audits to be done by the California State Auditor. The "political consultant" worked for the Joint Legislative Audit Committee (JLAC) in the California State Legislature, which has the power to tell the State Auditor what to look into - a potential conflict of interest and certainly lends itself to hiding theft of goverment funds - and could be considered unethical.

As we discovered, that "political consultant" had been on the City Council and School Board of the town that a roof consultant lived in - who knew that the "political consultant" had been involved in approving one of the "big three" roofing manufacturers in a public facility's roofing project and a school facility's roofing project.

The "political consultant" also threatened to "send the request to the State Attorney General." And I told him "No - why would you send it to a guy who was inducted into the Roofer's Union in San Leandro, CA - and whose family was in the roofing contracting business? He had stopped all investigations".
Whereupon the man went into more rage...and the State Auditor was stopped from doing a major statewide audit of roofing projects in schools in California.
And according to a semi-retired roof consultant in the Los Angeles area, he had seen these same practices going on - and with Tremco - since the mid-1960's, when he first started roof consulting.

The backup pricing info given to Dr. Richman is shown in the topic "Comparable Costs Between Manufacturers in Oakland, CA School, 2005".
See here:

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